Infrared Photography - Day 1 - Test 1 - 4/29/15

Over the past few day's I've had an urge to try out Infrared Photography. So I purchased an IR filter for my lens. What you are about to see is the result of my first few hours messing around with this technique. I wasn't going for anything special in these shots. I was just trying to see if I could get a useable image. 

It turned out to be a little more difficult than I expected. For example I tried opening up to f1.8 attempting to get a faster shutter speed, as it turns out that is a really bad idea. Every shot I took at f1.8 f2.8 etc was loosing a ton of data. It seams as if this filter reduces sharpness by a considerable amount. As a result all of my shots with a wide aperture were completely unusable. However my shots at f11 worked out just fine. 

The shots below are the finished product from today's test shoot. Hopefully next week I will be able to go out and shoot some killer infrared landscapes. 


Test Shot #1:

ISO - 100

Focal length - 50mm


Shutter Speed - 30 sec


Test Shot #2

ISO - 200

Focal Length - 50mm


Shutter Speed - 20 sec