Watch Photography Study - 12/28/16

Today I decided to practice some watch photography techniques. The main goal of this project was to create an image that would resemble a magazine ad for a wrist watch. 

The setup for this shot was pretty simple. I attached my watch to a tripod and placed my camera directly above it. As for the lighting I used a single flash which was diffused by a white sheet. Additional light was provided by a flashlight held at arms length in various positions to fill in additional details. 

I ended up with around five shots with lighting set for specific areas of the shot. The shots were then combined in Photoshop in order to create the final image.

There are two different versions of the final image. One with just a plain black background, and the other with a fabric background superimposed in the background.

This project was a lot of fun, and I intend to expand upon it in the coming weeks.

As always any feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a great day and a great new year.  

Final Image With The Fabric Background.

Final Image With No Background.