New Photos - Winter 2017

Here is a collection of photos I took all through the winter of 2017. I haven't had much time in the studio for the past few months due to various circumstances, however im hoping to get back in the swing of things sometime soon. 

The first is a recent project. Here is a simple product shot of some Pomegranate juice. I have always wanted to do a project with a pomegranate, and I may revisit this shot in the future to maybe add some splashes or something cooler. This could be the start of an interesting set of product shots, so expect more in the future. 

The second set of images is a little project I made for someone very special. Over the past few months this person has been struggling with severe depression and was even hospitalized for an entire month due to various different conditions. During her stay she informed me about Project Semicolon, this set of images was my way of providing support. 

The final composition is made out of about a dozen different shots of different colored liquid frozen in mid air. We achieved this result by applying food coloring to heavy cream and tossing it in the air, freezing the image with my flash. This project was incredibly fun to shoot, and we had a lot of fun producing the raw images. I will include the final image as well as two of the best raw images in the slideshow below. 

[Photo's] - Cards and Dice - 1/18/17

For todays project I wanted to focus on the theme of dice and playing cards. The goal was to create a few simple images that could be used as some kind of backdrop in the future. I wasn't trying to be too serious with this project, it was mainly just for fun. 

The following images are what I came up with. 

Watch Photography Study - 12/28/16

Today I decided to practice some watch photography techniques. The main goal of this project was to create an image that would resemble a magazine ad for a wrist watch. 

The setup for this shot was pretty simple. I attached my watch to a tripod and placed my camera directly above it. As for the lighting I used a single flash which was diffused by a white sheet. Additional light was provided by a flashlight held at arms length in various positions to fill in additional details. 

I ended up with around five shots with lighting set for specific areas of the shot. The shots were then combined in Photoshop in order to create the final image.

There are two different versions of the final image. One with just a plain black background, and the other with a fabric background superimposed in the background.

This project was a lot of fun, and I intend to expand upon it in the coming weeks.

As always any feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a great day and a great new year.  

Final Image With The Fabric Background.

Final Image With No Background.

"Orange Mango" - 9/14/16 - Photo and Video Tutorial

After receiving positive feedback on last weeks photo, I decided to build on the concept and create something a bit more exciting.

The following image is the result of several hours of experimentation. The photo itself is made up of two exposures, one for the background and one for the bottle. Both of which were processed in Adobe Lightroom, and later combined in Adobe Photoshop. The splash effect was later added in the post production process, by liquifying the bottle and than adding several layer masks comprised of various paint splashes.

The final product is shown below. 

In addition, I have also produced a video tutorial detailing the process for creating the splash's. 

[Photo] - "Blue Beer" - 9/5/16

I spent most of the day testing out some new ideas for some lighting setups. The main goal was to use a setup that was mostly different to what I am used to in order to manipulate the background of the image. The following image is the result of todays experiments. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks I can use this technique to get some nice results. 

[Photo] "Carlsberg" - 2/20/16

The following image is another experiment with how light effects reflective objects. I've been trying to build a portfolio based around product shots, this being one of the many photos that will be included. I will post more from my portfolio in the coming weeks, so expect a lot of changes to the site. 

As always any feedback is highly appreciated. Let me know what you think. 

[Photo] "Heineken" - 11/27/15

I decided to try my hand at some product photography. I mainly used this shot to get familiar with a new light kit I purchased. So far im happy with the result. I definitely need to work on my technique though. I also tried a few new post production techniques, although I have not quite perfected them yet. 

The following image is the result of my experiments.